One saga is ending, but your skills will live forever

Sign up for a free pilot and we’ll send your team to see a movie on us

Be your team’s hero and get everyone on a team pilot to check out Pluralsight, the technology skills platform. Once you do, we’ll set you up with a gift card to take your entire crew to a movie. We recommend seeing Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Together, you’ll have the right skills to battle the enemy and save the day (...and maybe reach Jedi status).

Team pass must be activated by December 20, 2019 MT. Gift card that can be used for up to $15.00 (amount based on average ticket prices) per person, for up to 20 people, will be delivered electronically. One redemption per account. Available in the United States and Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Offer not redeemable by anyone on an existing business plan.

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